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Simple Five To get Things done.. You have to know

Simple Five To get Things done as should be!

Simple Five To get Things done.. You have to know

World today need to generate innovative ideas, Solutions and decisions on a good frame. Not just world need to do more practices or acting as should be, but also our life need to be our first importance. Thoughts and believes classify our critical behavioral habits for several performance in each moment we have. With family and friends we have shared a lot of believes about something specifically, so our believes about something can form most our decisions, and the most decision does we want to take about our steps or movements for things to get done.


You need to prepare your self. First thing and the important one is to develop your self by preparing more than before, and when it comes to preparation we mentioned here the things you have to be aware about it and do more practices to collect all details about the things you want to get done. List your tasks and begin to describe and clarify them.

preparation is the key


The more you manage your life the more you practice effectively, so it's all about how to manage your things by tow categories important and urgent. The question here.
Why use the Urgent Important Matrix?
An Urgent Important Analysis helps you to know more about things should I do right away, And rapidly identify the activities that you should focus on, along with the ones you should ignore. It challenges the role of habits activities and allows you to be in control of your environment and external demands, rather than allow them to control you. By filtering out “busy” activities that provide minimal value to long term goals, you free up time for things that matter, Developing an Important vs. Urgent Matrix doesn’t require specialized training and has minimal cost, except for the time of those involved.
Who can use an Urgent Important Matrix?
Because the technique is so simple and versatile, it’s applicable to all levels of tasks from daily to-do lists through to strategic action plans. Development of an Urgent vs. Important chart is useful for:
All industries
All departments
Existing and new businesses
Teams and Individuals
Manage Urgent Important Matrix


What things should I schedule and prioritize that things important and not urgent so you need to focus on strategies and values, the most important factors are high moral, encouragement, and time management. Spastics shows that two of five business owners rank time as their most important asset.

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Urgent not important things Urgent but not important tasks are things that prevent you from achieving your goals. Ask yourself whether you can reschedule or delegate them.A common source of such activities is other people. Sometimes it's appropriate to say "no" to people politely, or to encourage them to solve the problem themselves. (Our article "'Yes' to the Person, 'No' to the Task” will help here.)


These activities are just a distraction – avoid them if possible. You can simply ignore or cancel many of them. However, some may be activities that other people want you to do, even though they don't contribute to your own desired outcomes. Again, say "no" politely, if you can, and explain why you cannot do it. If people see that you are clear about your objectives and boundaries, they will often avoid asking you to do "not important" activities in the future.

written by, Mohamed Farag, Property Consultant
